Amaze allows the creation of multiple users, so that different team members may put their data as per requirement. Master User/Admin will be able to see all data, but Sub-User will be able to see only entries made by him/her in UPSI. Please save the password and share with Sub-User while creating the master. User name will be captured by SDD Reports with time stamping.
Create the Master for the nature of information to be shared with third parties. Any number of information can be created, depending upon the requirement of your company.
This will be seen in the drop-down box, while making entries in UPSI.
Create the master of recipients of the information to whom the information will be shared.
The recipient will be seen in the drop-down box, while making entries in UPSI.
Create the master for the sender of the information by whom the information will be shared.
The sender will be seen in the drop-down box, while making entries in UPSI.
You may add the records of sharing of UPSI on a real time basis here. Each entry will be time stamped with User name. Any change in such entries will be recorded in the audit trail, however minor it may be. You may see the details in the Reports section / list.
You may add your old SDD records here, by manually putting in the original time in which such entries were made in your old utility / software. Such entries will show both current time punching and old time punching in reports. Audit trail is available for such records also. This feature will help the users to see all the information at a single place in future.
1. Ongoing- if information shared is continuous. E.g. after end of December quarter, company will share financial to auditor on 15.01.2023 and will be sharing relevant details continuously upto 15.02.2023. So this is an ongoing event starting from 15.01.2023 to 15.02.2023
2. Onetime- E.g. giving sales figure to banker for renewal of credit facilities
3. Information description - It is an optional field and user may enter details about the nature of information shared. E.g. sales for the month of December 2022
4. Remarks- same as above, any other field like on request of MD or for renewal of loan)
Any information, relating to a company or its securities, such as financial results, dividends, change in capital structure, merger, de-merger, acquisitions, delisting etc., that is not generally available, which upon becoming generally available, is likely to materially affect the price of the securities is considered as UPSI.
For all the new data entered on a real time basis in the utility.
For all the audited data entered on a real time basis in the utility.
For all the old data entered on a real time basis in the utility with new and old time stamping.